This sem we are introduced into MAYA POLYGON MODELING.....!!!! We were eagerly for this. We thought it will be much more easier than NURBS. But its not. We learned the tools step by step and started to create various still life models, in which some are compulsory which was given by the Sir and other models are of our own choice. Here is the rendered output of my final modeling.....

1. Table  Lamp :

                        This is the first model which is taught by Sir in the class. It was not so complicated. We used simple primitives like sphere and cylinder and the first and very important tool of MAYA Polygon Extrude.

2. Computer Table :

              Started this model with a simple cube and then after its just extrude....bridge....extrude....bridge. We learned to limit the the translation, rotation.

3. Lantern : 

                    This is the model where we learnt most of the tools and options such as bridging between two objects with a curve, converting a paint effect into Polygon, edges into curve, etc.

4. Chair :

                      It was bit though for me to do this model. I used the extrude long with curve tool for most of the time. 

5. Wall Clock :

                        Another tool append to polygon is used in this model, which creates face between any two adjacent edges. 

6. Microscope :

                       I liked this model a quite very much. I tried to get the accurate model and used mostly just the basic tool and rendered it in Mental ray.

7. Specs :

                         Quite a simple model. Learned about the deformation tool in this model which creates an external mesh around the object which helps to resize the object without touching its vertices.

8. Ice cream & Cup cake :

                     Learned about to create set of edges and faces, which helps us to create a crossed mesh flow. In the cone of the ice cream we used this procedure and poke face tool and extruded in. In cream part we used the deformation tool to give the twisted effect.

9. Ladder : 

                     Simple model done with extrude. in specifically used the attribute of extrude tool. Turned off the keep face together option and extruded for the foot base.
10. Iron Box :

                      No more special tool in this model. Didn't got accurate model as in pic, but i tried to get.


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