Hey guys....I'm back with one more rigging assignment and now its time to read a book📗📘📙. Hey don't book does not contain any mathematical formula or science theories😁😁. It's just a blank book.

                   This time we were asked to rig a book, which can be opened and closed, who's cover can be changed and the page can give the effect of page fan. So for the first we used the skinning method with the knowledge of influencing the vertices.

                    In this rig we had the freedom of adding up any new features of rig which can be helpful in animation and also for the first time I created interactive virtual controls. So I added the controls which can be seen in the below image.

                     So I started the rig with creating joints for both the cover the book. I placed the root at its center and Smooth bind the book and the cover with its respective joint. After that using component editor I influenced the vertices to the joint which has to be managed by them.

                    And also I tried the Blend Shape with in-between turned on ☑. So at the first I used the blend shape to correct the shape of the book when it is closed. I used the driven key to create relationship between blend shape and the joint. So when the book gets closed, the blend shape will be activated.

                 After the book, It's time for the pages. So I created 5 copies for blend shape and created the blend shape with in-between option turned on ☑. Using deformers and the vertices, I created the shape in which the page will bend when someone turns the page. 

                  In the next step I created the group of the single page and connected the blend shape with it's rotation value. So when the page rotates from 0 degree to 180 degree, the blend shape value changes from 0-1 respectively.

                   Now its time for composing the book and page together. So for that I imported the page file to the book rig file. For the page fan effect. I imported the page file 9 times because of the mid point formula.

                  Then I used the expression, by which pages will create a fan effect where the all 8 pages will follow the first one.

                   In addition to that I also added the banking, so it can be banked in both left-right and up-down directions. Also i gave the option of changing the colour of the book cover bye connecting the attribute with the image sequence.

Last but not the least....Here is the outliner of this rig.

                        A small rig test video is down here please watch it and do subscribe my channel. Hope you all will like it.
Thank You 😙😙

Model Credits : Mr. Satish B.


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