Hi Friends....I completed the 2nd rig of Character Rigging and this time it was Tony's turn to get rigged. It was bit complicated this time. We learnt the Reverse Foot Lock system & Knee system. 

                     Here is the main body controls which i used in my rig.

             Here in this rig both the hands had both IK (Inverse Kinematics) & FK (Forward Kinematics). So a switch is created in Common control. As we change the switch from IK to FK or FK to IK, their respective controls will appear and starts functioning.

  • FK Controls

  • IK Controls

                     For legs unless like grouping method which I did in the last rig, I used Reverse foot lock system, where I created another set of joints to the foot and connected it with the main skeleton by Parenting. Also this Reverse joints will be connected to the control curve.


                  Instead of IK (with RP/SC solver) for the spine, I used the Spline IK which offers more flexible control on the skeleton. Spline IK creates an extra curve through which it works. So i connected that curve to Control curve through clusters.

                     Here is the final Outliner which is quite long 😝😝😝😝 and a rig test video 🎥🎥

Model Credits : Mr. Satish B


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